Happy “New” Year! It is 2014! I just have to say . . . I love “new” things! I love new clothes, new soft socks, fresh new clean sheets on my bed, new books (I really love these!), new projects, the start of a new Bible study, new events, new […] All Things “New”1 Jan, 2014 in Biblical Counsel tagged commitment / devotion / simplicity / transform by Lesley
It’s December. It’s a crazy thought. How did it get to be December already? What has happened to 2013! My last entry was WAY back in . . . um, August? NO! July? Oh my! I don’t even remember! Fall began my season that most young mom’s long for . […] Too Busy to Blog4 Dec, 2013 in Personal Blogs tagged ambition / Christ / faith / procrastination by Lesley
This past week a very special woman at our church lost a battle but had the ultimate victory ~ her physical body could no longer fight the disease (the battle) but her soul could no longer wait to see her Savior face to face (sweet Victory!). She went home . […] One Goal to the End18 Jul, 2013 in Personal Blogs tagged ambition / Christ / devotion / pleasing by Lesley