About Me & What I Believe


Greetings! My name is Lesley and I’m a Simple Sheep . . . . a stupid Simple Sheep sometimes, but that is mainly due to the fact that I sometimes do not listen to the voice of the Shepherd.  Oh, believe me . . . I try but I am prone to wander into other ‘fields’ .  . . where I think it might look better.  But the Shepherd knows what I need and when I need it. He gently and lovingly finds me, woos me back but also let’s me know that I should not wander.  And sometimes there is a consequence for wandering.  But . . sometimes . . that is exactly how I learn ~ its when I have to live with a consequence of my wandering.

I have been married 29 years to my college sweetheart, Dave. We live in the country just outside of Green Bay, Wisconsin.

We have been blessed with three children that are now all grown!  Hard to believe some days!

 Our son, Jon, is 27 and he fulfilled his life long dream of becoming a chiropractor in the Fall of 2015.  He is an amazing Dr. of Chiropractic! He is married to his high school sweetheart, Cassaundra (also 27) and they recently made my hubby and I grandparents! They had a little girl, Kendall Rose, in February 2016.

We have two daughters ~ Heather, who is 23 and is working full time in Human Resources at a company called Belmark. She will be married New Year’s Eve to her high school sweetheart also!  Our youngest daughter is, Courtney, who is 21.  She is a senior at UW-La Crosse.  She is also engaged and will be married in June of 2017.

Most of my life story and experiences ~ good and bad ~ that have gotten me to where I am today.  You can find my life story in posts I did early on in this new adventure of blogging. Look for them ~ I’ve not been a good little sheep but I have learned some mighty valuable lessons. Check those posts out!

I’m a Simple Sheep whose trying to follow her Shepherd and help others follow Him too! Will you join me on this journey!  It’s hard . . . but simple when you just seek Him and follow His voice! Blessings my friends!

What I Believe ~

This is what this Simple Sheep believes . . .

  • That the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, are the infallible and inspired Word of God; they are the complete revelation of His will and the final authority for all Christian faith and life
  • That God is one essence in three co-eternal, co-equal persons ~ that there is only one true God, and that He exists in three distinct divine persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • That Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man; that He was born from a virgin, was sinless, that His death on the Cross was the once-in-for-all sacrifice for sin, that He arose bodily from the dead, ascended into Heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for us consistently and continually.
  • That the Holy Spirit is given to believers to indwell and empower us to live the Christian life on earth and to seal us for the day of redemption.
  • That man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is lost eternally; it is only through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit that man can be saved and eternal life obtained.
  • That salvation comes by faith alone, through grace alone, and is found in Jesus Christ alone.
  • That growing in Christ-likeness is a life-long process and the highest goal of this life is to please Him and Him alone
  • And that all things happen for His glory and our growth

(Scripture backing will follow soon!)