Proverbs 9
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.”
Wisdom prepares a banquet feast for those who seek after her and live by her words. And it’s hard work to do that . . . which is why she does so much to prepare for this banquet. She diligently prepares the meat, mixes the wine, sets the table and invites the guests.
Lady Wisdom knows that finding wisdom takes hard work. When wisdom does come it brings comfort, satisfaction, and security.
At the banquet the guests can eat and drink to their full . . . its much like what happens when we live in obedience to the Word of God and we live by the Spirit ~ we produce the fruit of the Spirit.
There is a contrast of Wisdom’s banquet to Folly’s banquet. But Folly’s banquet is nothing like Wisdom’s ~ Folly doesn’t even prepare for a banquet. She idly sits at her door hoping for a party. No preparation . . .no satisfaction . .no security.
“To Be Wise . . . Have Reverence for the Lord”
This past year I’ve been in the Old Testament studying the Kings and the Prophets series through Precepts Ministries. Most times, for me anyway, its hard to just read through the Old Testament books . . because . . honestly . . they can be hard to understand. Slowing down and actually studying it . . . makes the Old Testament come alive and extremely understandable.
Besides these great benefits to studying the Old Testament, the other great benefit is that I am growing in my knowledge of God. I’m understanding His ways, His heart, His desires . . . I am growing in my reverence for Him.
And . . I’m praying that I’m also growing in wisdom. I desire to live right and make right decisions. Knowing what pleases Him . . . will help me do that.