Proverbs 7
Once again we are taken, in this chapter of Proverbs, to what can draw us away from wisdom. And one of the reoccurring themes that is used as an illustration in Proverbs is the warning of the adulterous woman.
Again, I believe that the ‘adulterous woman’ could be filled in with anyone or anything that would pull us away from the pursuit of God.
Verses one through 5 set the stage for avoiding the ‘adulterous woman’ by strongly calling us to stay true to wisdom so we do not find ourselves on the path of sin.
Allow me to quote from a commentary on the book of Proverbs called, “Proverbs: A Bible Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition.”
“The path of sin is not blocked by knowledge; truths, like speed bumps, may slow you down, but they will not stop you. To block the path you need to treasure wisdom, guarding it as instinctively as you would your own eye (the apple of your eye reefer’s to the eye’s pupil; v.2). Wisdom needs to become a constant companion. It must be at your fingertips and permanently inscribed on the tablet of your heart, where it can influence decisions when and where they are made (v.3). Wisdom must become as close as a sister (this word can also be translated as lover [like in Song of Solomon] and become a close companion. This brings life by enabling you to avoid the adulteress and the wayward life,”
What Do You Most Treasure?
Is it truly wisdom . . which the beginning of that is the fear of the Lord? Do you revere God above all us? Are you pursing . . with great devotion and passion . . who He is and what He has done for you?
Once you have gained some of that wisdom . . . do you guard it like you would the most expensive item you own? Or like the most precious person in your life?
This is what we must be seeking after . . .the Lord. If our eyes are fixed on Him (Heb. 12:2) and we are seeking His Kingdom first (Matt. 6:33) . . our eyes will not wander to other things so as to let curiosity rise up in us.