Proverbs 6
If we ‘lose the Word of God’ in our lives . . . we lose wisdom. And this is easy to do if we do not daily renew our minds in His truth (Rms. 12:2) and we do not let the Word dwell in us richly (Col. 3:16). It is by trusting and obeying His truth that we are kept from believing the lies of the enemy.
What can be destroyed if we lose Wisdom?
- We can make unwise financial commitments ~ we lose financially!
- We can become lazy ~ we lose physically!
- We can become lustful ~ we lose spiritually!
Hence the reason verse 21 in Proverbs 6 tells us: “Bind them (wisdom) on your heart always; tie them around your neck.”
Keep Wisdom Close!
One of my favorite sections in Proverbs 6 is verses 16-19. They give us much insight into the heart of the Lord. They tell us what He hates . . it reveals what is righteous anger. These things are the same things we should hate . . can stir a righteous anger in us. But also, what should not flow out of us. These are things that should not be evident in our lives. They produce the opposite of wise living.
The section seems to cover many areas of our bodies that reveal what is going on in the heart . . .because you see the heart lived out in these physical ways. Eyes, hands, feet, mouth or lips and the heart itself are listed.
The man or woman that is not living wisely will show evidence of these kinds of things: pride (haughty eyes); lies (lying tongue); hate/murder (hands that shed innocent blood); rebellion (heart that devises wicked plans); disobedience (feet that run hastily to evil); slander (false witness who breaths out lies); stirring discord (one who sows discord among brothers).
If these things displease our God . . . than they should displease us also. And we should strive to know . . by the truth of His Word . . . the correct and pleasing responses. When we change our response to life to what matches in the Word . . . we are living skillfully or wisely.
It takes work . . but it is well worth it. It benefits us in our financial decisions, in our physical bodies and in our walk with the Lord. Putting into practice godly response . . . until they are a permanent part of our lives . . . bring much glory to God.
And . . . isn’t that what we are living for?
Live Wisely friends,