Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
Yeah . . . well, tried that and it didn’t work to well for me!
BUT . . .
When I chose to seek out God’s wisdom . . . and then live by it . . that is when I began to be a wise woman.
Proverbs is a book FULL of wisdom and in this 31 day challenge that I have (fearfully) stepped up to ~ we will look at a chapter a day through out the month of October from the book of Proverbs. On each day, I will pull out one (maybe more) nugget of wisdom . . . and, well . . have some ‘fun’ with it. Some days I may write what God impressed upon my heart. Some days may be a song or just one of the wisdom statements set in a pretty format! I hope to be a bit creative but also desire to share His wisdom in a way that leads you to be inspired to live it in your life. (Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this page to find the daily posts!)
PROVERBS 1 ~ “The Usefulness of Proverbs”
Why would God have men write down these ‘proverbs’ or words of wisdom? He desires for us to live rightly . . . or as the word wisdom means, He desires that we live ‘skillfully’. This Book of Proverbs is given to us so that it may produce in us the skill of godly living and to develop discernment in our lives.
And what is the beginning of wisdom?? Well, it’s not what Aristotle said! Verse 7 tells us what begins wise living and it is . . .
The fear of the Lord
This is the overarching theme of this book. And if, as verse 10 says, we are enticed by one who doesn’t think you should live by God’s wisdom or fear the Lord . . God says: “Do not consent”. It’s like a phrase my husband and I would tell our kids ~ “Just say NO!” Sometimes you just have to say it and then walk away!
What’s the benefit of learning, listening, understanding and following wisdom? We are told it in the last verse of chapter one; it says
But he who listens to Me shall live securely and will be at ease from the dread of evil.
I love that! What a wonderful promise! That would be a beautiful life right there! Can I get an AMEN!?!?
Ok, that’s it for today (or tonight)! Come back to this page for each day for another installment of Wisdom Living! (And pray that I make it successfully through this challenge!)
Proverbs 2: Wisdom is Protection
Proverbs 3: Wisdom’s Rewards
Proverbs 4: Vigilant Wisdom
Proverbs 5: Wisdom’s Loves
Proverbs 6: Wisdom’s Enemies
Proverbs 7: Curiosity Destroys Wisdom
Proverbs 8: Wisdom’s Blessings
Proverbs 9: Wisdom’s Banquet
Proverbs 10:
Proverbs 11:
Proverbs 12: