Peter opens up his first letter with a greeting and then says, “Grace and peace be yours in abundance.” (NIV) Or as it is translated in another version, “May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure.” (NASB)
Aaahhhh, doesn’t that sound delightful?!
What has He Given You in Abundance?
Sometimes this can be so hard to see. Why? Because our focus can be so horizontal so much of the time.
We look around and all we can see sometimes are the things in our lives that are hard, or frustrating, or stressful, or unfair, or even heart-breaking. News headlines are mostly about all the ‘trouble’ in the world. The media is full of ‘teasers’ that show you ‘the next best & new’ thing . . that makes you want it. And people . . . well, are people and can let us down.
But . . God . .
What does He give you in abundance? In it’s fullest measure?
Well, first . . . He gives Himself.
I love how Zephaniah 3, verse 17 reads in the New Living Translation. It says, “For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
He lives in you . . .if you know Him personally. He takes delight in you. He loves you. He calms you. He rejoices over you.
As Peter said . . . grace and peace in abundance! This is what He gives.
The Creator of the universe . . . King of kings . . . our faithful Groom . . . showers us with all that we do not deserve! This is so radical to us because that is not usually what happens on a horizontal level.
Again . . . But God . .
Is like no one you’ve ever known, dear friend.
All of this reminds me of one of my all time favorite verses. It is found in Ephesians 3, verse 20 ~ Paul writes, “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond . . . ”
Really stop for a moment and think . . what has He given you?
Clothes? A home? Food? Friends? A church? ~ these are basics, yes?
Think beyond the basics for a moment . . . ask Him to show you all He has given you . . .
What did He show you?
What has He given you in abundance? Did He show you some things you may not have thought of without His help?
What He should me is that I have a husband and children who love me even when I am unloveable. He showed me that I have friends that care deeply about me .. when I don’t deserve it. He showed me that He will never ever ever stop loving me . . no matter how much I can grumble and fuss in my head.
He has done immeasurably more than I could ever have asked or thought of in my life.
Grace beyond measure.
Peace surpassing all my soul could ever comprehend.
Focus vertically . . . and you will see the gracious, abundant gifts that He’s given you . . and is ready to give you.