Welcome Friday!
I’ve been working around my home most of the day cleaning up Christmas decorations and doing some miscellaneous chores as I go and I’ve been asking Jesus what He would like me to think about . . . and write about today. And one thing keeps popping into my head . . . the book of blessings I bought a few years back.
I’ve never worked through the book but have always wanted to. It lists 100 words to ponder over in regards to what the Lord has blessed me . . you . . us . . with. And I thought, “what a great thing to write about each Friday in my blog!” Not only do I need to cultivate a heart that is grateful for all the grace He lavishes on me, but it also seems to be a great goal to share with my fellow simple sheep!
As you may have guessed by today’s title, the first gracious gift that we’ll ponder is “abilities”.
An ‘ability’ is the power or capacity to do or to act physically, mentally, morally, financially, etc. In Romans 12, verse 6 we read, “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them . . . ” God gives each of us abilities ~ everyone! One may think they have no ‘ability’ but that is not so. God has uniquely made each of us and has given each an ability that He fully expects us to use.
We are not to use our God-given ability to ‘puff’ ourselves up, but to use it in such a way that we serve others. When we use the abilities He has given us in this way, we please Him and bring glory to His name.
Sometimes we look around too much and see the abilities others have and begin to think ours is not that good or useful or important. We must remember that the Word specifically says that we ‘have gifts that differ’. We must not get caught up in wishing we had what someone else has.
Small Confession
Honestly . . and I’m assuming I can be honest with you all . . . lately, for some reason I’ve been finding myself falling here. I know God has given me an ability or two, but when I look at other blogs or speakers . . and how well they do and how they bless others with their gifts and abilities . . . I get a little jealous. (Ok, maybe more than just a little. . . )
God graciously has been reminding me that its not always about what the ‘world’ sees . . but about what He sees. My focus, with the abilities He has given me, is to please Him! If I know that I’m using the gift He’s given me in a way that benefits even one person . . then that is enough for Him . . .which must be enough for me.
What ability . . or abilities do you believe God has blessed you with? Are you using it? Are you serving someone else with it? Are you trusting that the Father is looking down and smiling as you use what He’s given you?
If you’re not using what God has blessed you with . . . will you start today? It would definitely make Him smile if you did . . .