It’s December. It’s a crazy thought. How did it get to be December already? What has happened to 2013!
My last entry was WAY back in . . . um, August? NO! July? Oh my! I don’t even remember!
Fall began my season that most young mom’s long for . . . ‘EMPTY NEST’! Like dreams of tropical vacations and pampering galore . . . empty nest is the season that should bring life to some kind of slower pace.
But, alas . . . I have found that ’empty nest’ DOES NOT mean EMPTY CALENDAR! It does mean an emptier house, emptier loads of laundry, emptier frig . . . but empty in regards to calendar and appointments . . . no such thing!
Life has become busier than ever! And that says a lot when you use to do 2 football games a week, several basketball games, church activities and outings with friends!
While sending off your youngest to college is tough, finding yourself whipping through weeks faster than a bag of M&M’s . . . is crazy! And now I find myself in December ~ the BUSIEST month of the entire year . . . and I am burdened again by this desire and dream to take this blog adventure more seriously.
So, I begin . . once again . . with a personal blog . . sharing thoughts, feelings, frustrations . . but also longing to impact hearts with the good news of the Gospel and the grace that flows so freely from Christ.
May I not be too busy to blog . . to share . . to inspire. . . to, in some small way, bring glory to the One who gave His only Son to come and dwell among us.