In one of my last posts, I wrote how not to live as a victim but to live a life of victory regardless of our circumstances. One of the ways this can be done is by surrendering and taking responsibility where we need to. And one of the best places to start with in regards to this ~ is the mind.
Why do some of us rehearse and rehearse the past in their minds?
Our Brain ~
Let’s first take a look at this precious gift God has given us in our heads ~ our brain. Did you know that ~
- In the brain information travels at different speeds within different types of neurons. Transmission can be as slow as 0.5 meters/sec or as fast as 120 meters/sec. Traveling at 120 meters/sec is the same as going 268 miles/hour!
- The brain itself is incapable of feeling pain.
- The number of internal thought pathways that your brain is capable of producing is: one followed by 10.5 million kilometers of standard typewritten zero’s!
- All of your “thinking” is done by electricity and chemicals!
- And that the human brain thinks, on an average day, an estimated 70,000 thoughts!
Is our Creator God amazing or what?!?! Our thoughts pathways are uncountable! The speed of information transmitted in our brain is faster that then today’s fastest car (253 mph) at top speed! And that we have more thoughts in a day than activities on most of our “To Do” lists!
Our Thoughts ~
So how many of our approximate 70,000 thoughts in a day on rehearsing hurt’s of the past? Now remember, ‘past’ can be anything from a second ago to an hour ago to a day ago to last week, last month, last year . . .or several years ago. And how many of the 70,000 plus thoughts are on releasing or surrendering past hurts? With the speed at which our thoughts can travel and come to us we must become more aware of all these thousands of thoughts.
What does God’s Word have to say about all of this . . . does it have anything to say about our mind, our thoughts? It does. And many of us know where to find what God says about this in His Word. But do we do what His Word tells us to do? I know that this little sheep does not always do what His Word tells me to do. As I pondered this myself, this was what Jesus said ~
“Take your thoughts captive and make them obey Me and My Word. Do this by daily renewing your mind so that you will be able to diligently guard your heart. Precious one, you renew your mind by dwelling on things above, by fixing your eyes on Me and by setting your mind on heavenly things not earthly things that will perish and fade away and are temporary. By daily renewing your mind you will be practicing what you have heard and learned and seen in Me so that you will not ponder the things of the past and then you will forget what lies behind so you can press forward and strive for what is ahead; so that you will persevere to the end and win the prize and hear Me say, ‘Well done!’”
(2 Cor. 10.5; Rms. 12.1; Prov. 4.23; Phil. 4.8; Heb. 12.2; Col. 3.1-2; Phil. 4.9; Is. 43.18; Phil. 3.13-14; 2 Thes. 1.4/Rms. 5.3; 1 Cor. 9.24; Matt. 25.21,23)
Our Choice ~
So, what are you going to do today with your approximate 70,000 thoughts? Are you going to rehearse the past or release ~surrender~ the past?