This past summer I had the privilege of once again speaking to young woman at Lake Lundgren that were attending a unique camp week called, ‘SEEDS’. This week is for young women who are looking to learn more and go deeper in their faith. My topic was titled, ‘What it Means to Be a Disciple’ and I was to use their theme book of James to answer that. I ended our time with a short YouTube video called ‘My Better is Better Than Your Better’ (see below). This video highlights athletes that are intensely training in their respective sports with captions throughout that say things like – ‘My Speed is better’, ‘My Power is better’, ‘My Agility is Better’ and ‘My Reaction is Better’. The question I proposed to them, and to myself many times, was this: As Christian’s do we train as hard, as long, and as intense as athletes do so that we can say to them that our ‘better is better than their better’?
Let me translate this a bit by asking it this way: Am I an idle disciple of Christ or am I an industrious disciple of Christ? Just typing out that question cuts me to the core because I would have to say that more times than not, I am an idle disciple. I have ‘idle fears’ – fears that have no basis behind them. I engage in ‘idle talk’ – not honest, authentic, vulnerable discussions. I do ‘idle work’ – meaning, I do not always chose the ‘better thing’ and sit at Jesus’ feet. I can easily avoid doing the work that will produce in me the image of Christ and instead choose to be lazy ~ or sometimes so it doesn’t sound so bad to my own ear, I justify my choices by saying “I just need some down time.”
Proverbs 16, verse 26 says, “A worker’s appetite works for him; his mouth urges him on.” At first it was hard to see the connection of this verse to being an industrious disciple but after a minute or two the ‘light’ bulb came on. What we hunger for motivates us. We will work energetically and diligently for what we most ‘hunger’ for and we will spend our ‘wages’ on it. Our ‘appetite’ works for us, motivating us. We are to be diligent disciples. But many times we are motivated more by what the world offers us than what Christ offers us. It is hard to ‘press on towards the prize’ many times because the prize – eternity with God – is hard to see. And as one commentary spoke of in regards to this verse is that this is about the soul laboring. We are to be diligently working on the heart.
So let me ask you, my friends, how will 2013 be for you and your maturing in His likeness? Will you choose with me that this will be the year to diligently work on your own heart? Will you give Him the habitual things you do that do not produce the Spirit’s fruit in you? Will you “not be lazy in showing your devotion; but use your energy to serve the Lord” (Rms. 12.11, GW)?
Will your better be better than their better?
If you would like to see the video I’ve referred to ~ here it is from YouTube: