You may notice some changes to my blogging site ~ and hopefully you like them . . . and hopefully I will too and I will stick with this one for a while 🙂
This will be a short and sweet little post ~ I’ve been lax again in my commitment to this new adventure but it does seem that life is rather busy at the moment. But I’ve spent most of this raining day trying to understand ‘blogging’ and ‘plug-ins’ and layouts and wigets . . and oh my!!
Today we have sprung forward by one-hour as we move into Daylight Savings Time. I do love that! The thought of it staying light out later . . oh be still my heart. I love spring! I love the smell of the air as we move out of the cold winter months here in the mid-west. This is the time of year I am reminded of the ‘new’ thing that Christ does it us.
And spring also means that one of my absolute favorite holidays is coming ~ Resurrection Sunday! (Wa-hoot!!) The day we get to celebrate the most amazing thing any one has every seen or has every done ~ Christ took on our sin, my sin, and paid the ultimate price so that you and I could be a new creatures and walk in the newness of life. He died so I could live. Leaves me speechless!
So, today as you go to worship remember ~ He loves you immensely! He loves you unconditionally! And He loves you passionately!
Watch this YouTube video below . . .and be encouraged!
For His Glory,