“The LORD appeared to him from afar, saying, ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.'” Jeremiah 31.3, (NASB)
Dictionary.com defines ‘everlasting’ as ~ forever, eternal; continuing for an indefinitely long time; incessant; constantly recurring.
God . . . who is love . . . is forever. He is eternal, therefore, His love is eternal. His love is the kind of love that continues for an indefinitely long time. His love constantly reoccurs. It is boundless, endless, limitless, timeless; it is unceasing, unending and uninterrupted.
It. Is. EVERLASTING . . . . .
He has no beginning and He has no end . . . which means, His love has always been and it always will be for you . . . and for me.
Can you grasp that? Can you get your mind around that? I can’t. Well, not fully anyway. I can to a limited extent because I am a finite being with finite capabilities.
His love for you and me is an everlasting love. There is nothing I can say or do that will make Him love me any more or any less. But this does not always compute for us because . . . this side of heaven . . . an indefinite length of time is very hard to fathom.
The last half of the verse above is stated this way in the ESV (English Standard Verison) Bible ~ ‘therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.’ Which could also be read this way, ‘So I will continue to show how I love you’ or ‘So I will show my love to you all the times’. Now how cool is THAT?!
He never will stop showing His love. He will show it AT ALL TIMES.
Have you ever known a love like this? How would you go about your day if you could be consistently aware of this Love that He has for you?
When the next ‘frustration’ pops up in your day . . or week . . . or month ~ think . . . His love for me is unceasing, unending and uninterrupted and His desire is to show it to me all the time. If that is true then how is He using this particular ‘frustration’ to reveal His everlasting love to me?
Ask. Wait. See. If you don’t try to solve your situation by yourself . . . you will get to see this love He has for you. And that it is there all the time for you (and me) to rest in and be secure in.
His love is a BIG love . . . that fights for you . . . and it never ceases and it never ends.
(The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. 2001 (Je 31:3). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.)