“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (ESV)
In 1804, there were 1 billion people in the world. In 1965, there were 3.3 billion people in the world. In 2011, the world population hit 7 billion people. That’s A LOT of people!!
Scripture says that God so loves the world . . . . how can that possibly be?? How can He love (currently) all 7+ billion of us?? How can God love all people from all time ~ past, present and future??
Well, remember . . . God IS Love . . . and He is a BIG God which means His love is B-I-G!! Still it boggles the mind. But then I’m reminded of my love for my first child and how I thought I’d never love another little one THAT much. Then my second child came along . . . and the heart seems to just expand and its filled with more love for another person. And the same thing happened in my heart when child number 3 came along . . . and it probably would have kept growing if we had had another child.
Now, maybe the parent thing doesn’t get the connection for you ~ so how about this . . . In high school, before my Senior year, I work at a summer camp being a Camp Counselor for all ages. Each week a new set of girls would be assigned to my cabin and I’d think, “How will I ever love these girls? Last week’s girls just took every ounce I love my heart has.” But sure enough, within a few hours of them being ‘my’ girls . . . my heart would be captured.
These are just two very human examples of how one little human can love. GOD, on the other hand, is not like us (thank goodness!). His love is a very, very, very BIG love. He loves the WHOLE world! He loves it so much that He deeply desires for EVERYONE to accept His BIG love and be with Him for all eternity.
I also believe that God’s BIG love for us is something He wants us to know and rest in each and every day . . through every circumstance that comes along. If you were to keep at the front of your thoughts today how BIG His love for you is . . . how would that change your day? How would it transform your heart? How would it help you as you interacted in your work . . or with your kids . . or with your neighbor?
BIG love should totally overwhelm us. It should so captivate our heart that we boldly proclaim Him to the world. It should help us to say ~ nothing can (or will) deter me from bringing glory to His name today!
Will you let His B-I-G love fill you today? Will you treasure it and allow it to transform you? Will you reflect His BIG love to someone else today?
(World population stats from: http://geography.about.com/od/obtainpopulationdata/a/worldpopulation.htm)